@aria ❄️ “wherever the baby isn’t” is so funny 😭
lmaoo im the same way, i co sleep w a breastfed baby and guuurl ya gotta do what ya gotta do 😭
i’m probably gonna get hate for this but 🤷🏽♀️ my baby is 5 weeks & the same way & we just put a pillow wall between us & stay on our side. baby’s wayyyyyy too young to know what’s going on & we’re the biological parents so honestly there’s nothing wrong w it. until baby can “watch” id say you’re fine to just do what you gotta do lol (also i didn’t wait for “clearance” bc i know my body & knew i was ready. but i also didn’t tear or anything so i healed faster
Definitely not for me lol but I’m so glad you felt free and comfortable enough to do so. 🥰 I did have a second degree tear though so I’m choosing to wait.
it’s your world boo! i was just sharing what worked for us 🫶🏽
bathroom, shower, quicky wherever the baby isn’t