Chatterbox baby

My baby is 9 weeks today and has found his voice, he thinks it’s hilarious and its so lovely to hear him babbling away and laughing but he’s too busy talking to finish his feeds and his naps have been none existent because he wakes up laughing (and then gets overtired and cries)😩 Is anyone else finding the same or has my son inherited his dads inability to be quiet😂
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Mine also started babbling recently. It's very cute and funny. He talks before he falls asleep etc 😊

My little girl is 2 months old and is very much like this. She started this from about 6 weeks and also likes to do this after a nightfeed which is not the best especially when you are desperate to get back to bed🤣 if its an inherited trait, my little girl definitely gets it from me as i love a chat🤣🤣x

@Danielle Yeah every night at 3am he likes to start howling and then makes himself laugh🙄😂x

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