You could be a bit earlier How long ago was your positive
@Kaitlin No yolk sac just the gestational sacs. They also said that they didn't have the nicest US machines and have me going to see their radiologist on Friday to get a better look.
@Ciara I am praying that this is the case. My first positive was 12/30
@Jaelan this is so heartbreaking but thank you for your medical insight. I know that they can't say much. I am trying to maintain hope and that everything will be okay. I wonder how long they wait before they say it's not developing and needs to be removed.
Ah could always be machines too stuff is funny like that sometimes at 5.5 weeks all they could see was a yolk sac inside of the gestational for me and told me to come back in 2 weeks and see if a baby pulled through it haha they were a little awkward about it so maybe it’s just odd at these times haha
Did you get any negatives before that? Hopefully you’re just earlier! That happened to me, they were counting based on my cycles which were wrong bc they were irregular (just one baby tho)
@Kaitlin I am praying that that is the case and it's just the machine. They had a hard time seeing my ovaries too so I am hoping that is it and it's just early.
@Jaelan thank you! I am appreciate your feedback. I am hoping this baby will pull through. I will do what I need to do for my health if that's what's needed but I am praying it's not the case.
@Ciara no I haven't had any negatives and I have tested a lot. I am hoping it is just early and yeah we were counting based off cycles. This will be a long week of waiting and I am praying it'll be different on Friday.
Oh I was meaning did you get any negatives prior to testing positive, if you did you could use that to judge how far along you are
@Ciara oh ok yeah I did. I was thinking that too like maybe it's too early. I had sex on the 20th of dec tested negative on the 28th and then positive on the 30th, very faint line. So I am thinking that was probably when I conceived rather than counting the first day of my last period which was 3 weeks prior.
Probably! Which would mean you are just earlier than they are accounting for, hopefully your next ultrasound shows more
I’ll be praying for you and your babies! 💕
@Ciara thank you! I am maintain hope. 💕
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@Kaily thank you!! I truly appreciate it! ♥️
If you don’t mind me asking if you got it done but what was your hcg levels at 5w4d?
Did they call it like a yolk sac by chance?