My mom had a short cervix for all of us. She had to have a stitch to keep it closed to keep the baby in. But that was in the 90’s not sure if it’s changed now
@Elizabeth cerclages are definitely still heavily used
I’m being monitored because I had spontaneous labor with my first at 29 weeks. So far so good for me at 21 weeks. But I was told progesterone would be an option or cerclage if anything changes.
I had an anatomy scan last week. Found out I was not 20 wks but actually 19 wks and had a short cervix and that my cervix was opening. My doctor and I decided that a surgical intervention (cervical cerclage) and progesterone were the best route for me. You are not alone and this is so so scary but the best thing here is that you caught it early and you can take the steps necessary to support your pregnancy. Have faith in your medical team, they are there for a reason. Try not to google to much, you’ll only find the bad stuff. Hang in there you got this. Feel free to reach out individually if you’d like to chat more about it. 🩷
I have a cerclage ..I've had two losses at 18 and 19 weeks .my last baby i got the cervix shes now 2.. I'm pregnant with twins and got the cerclage at 13 weeks.
Wait! I’m 18w today and just had my anatomy scan and was told I have a short cervix as well potentially. I didn’t start progesterone because the doctor said it wasn’t necessary based on vaginal ultrasound and bimanual exam. But hang in there momma! This is my first one too so we’re just trying to stay positive and know that there are people looking out for us ♥️