@Lauren yeah I mean I can ask my boyfriend to look after baby for a bit but then I don’t know how to use my time I have no friends near my area and I’m always sick and so is my baby for some reason so it’s a lot to ask when she only really wants mummy when she is ill. It’s just hard I really just need a day off and but we’ve only ever had 2 nights away from baby as I just don’t like to ask but I’m really struggling and I don’t know why else that might be other than I need time to myself because I really do I’m constantly stressed from my baby having something happen every week x
My girl has been ill on and off since October (flu/cold) and teething since she was 3 months old so I know how you feel. I have joined a gym and go there at least once a week when i have time just to myself maybe you can find activity that you can do at least once a week. Your baby needs you to be physically and mentally happy which sometimes means prioritise yourself and your needs ❤️
@Zyginta Devereux yeah I have been doing a lot of fitness lately and it’s been hard as I don’t have time to go gym my boyfriend goes so I don’t really have time to so for one and for two we have to save money for a holiday and my partners speeding tickets so I feel quite slump as everything I work towards is just taken. I do at home workouts and I think that’s what is also affecting me I’m so sick at the moment I set myself a goal and I haven’t been able to do it the past 3 days as I’ve been so so sick and my baby has also. It’s just so hard at times I really just want to be able to do things but with all these new sickness things popping up with my child I feel so held back and I’m sure she does also x
It’s tough but be kind to yourself even if you can get 15min to yourself it’s still positive x I am also hoping this germ season is going to end soon and our little ones will have stronger immune system 🙏
@Zyginta Devereux whiles I’m sick I’ve decided I’m just going to go on long walk, especially whiles it’s sunny where I am! I normally like winter as all the fireworks and Christmas but not I have a baby I never want to experience winter again, I knew children become sick but I didn’t realise this much it’s so draining so it’s nice someone can relate to me, as every mum I know just ain’t had it like me and my baby this winter 🤣 x
I took myself off to a cafe for a couple of hours. Took my phone and laptop to occupy myself in case I felt a bit funny about being on my own and came back a new woman. Your walk sounds like a good idea. Hope you felt better afterwards
@Lauren yeah I am doing that Wednesday but I’m with my baby but she is so good in her pram so I guess it’s me time but I know what you mean you need time for just you x
Being a mum can be so isolating and lonely. I felt very similar in the run up to xmas. It sounds like your dealing with some really tough things and don't have anyone else you can rely on for support and even though it's tough maybe you can try to rely on yourself for that support? In this case it might just be Is there any way you can have a few hours away from your baby to take yourself off and decompress?