It is normal Jus know that it is a part of their social development. They recognise you now more than ever as their primary caregivers. Also they have stranger anxiety at this stage. Teething could be a contributing factor too.
Hi yes this is normal, my son is 14 months too. He has always been quite clingy towards me. But now it's even more. I can't even leave him with his dad and he begins to cry. He is teething too so understand he just wants his mummy, but it can be hard when you are trying to do things like cook food, clean etc. it's just a phase and I know he will get better. Don't worry your doing a fab job as a mummy xx
Mine is so clingy at the moment too, its so difficult to get anything done. Mine has even started waking up multiple times at night to lay on/with me 😴 very tired mummy at the moment! xx
Same here. He’s happy with his dad for a bit but definitely experiencing the ‘stranger danger’ if anyone else tries to hold him (he doesn’t mind so much if he can still see me) It can be frustrating but it’s also the biggest compliment because it shows how much they’ve bonded with you
Yes! She wants me over her dad too, which is new.