I would take it as a blessing in disguise. I can imagine it’s super stressful but the evaluation is probably much more thorough than a quick 15-20 minute well visit and if there is something they are worried about, they can provide you with the right resources afterward. My daughter wouldn’t walk until 18 months but having a full evaluation from the infants and toddlers program allowed her to get physical therapy and we were able to figure out if it’s actually a delay or she just needs the right tools and strategies to help her along
I had the opposite so im glad your dr seems to be super proactive, with my first i just knew and literally had to beg for a referral
My oldest is autistic. Professionals often see things we don’t. There was a lot I thought was normal for my child that was pointed out to me as a sign of autism. Now learning more about autism I notice more things in him. Our evaluation was very extensive. With 3 different professionals. It was 3.5 hours and they asked me a lot of questions as well to get to know him even more. If your pediatrician is saying they think you should then I would. I myself delayed our evaluation until my son was 4 because I had heard from others moms that misdiagnosis’ happen at early ages. Idk how true that is but I felt okay waiting.
I wouldn’t worry too much if there are no other signs. I would go get the evaluation and it can give you some peace of mind. Sounds like your kiddo needs some speech therapy either way!
I took my son to his 2 year check up yesterday and autism got brought up for the second time because he doesn’t play good with other kids. I feel like if they aren’t doing everything perfectly when the doctors want them to it’s straight to autism. I have no concerns about my son being autistic but it’s been brought up twice now. His 1 and 2 year check up..
I’m sure your instincts as his mom are correct and there is absolutely nothing wrong with him so just let them test him why not. Trust your instincts mama