To piggyback off of Jacquelynn, could try a multivitamin and probiotic. My daughter takes smarty pants toddler multi and omegas and I’ve given the Mary Ruth toddler probiotic drops in her drink or pouch. Recently started using some bioray products too and I swear they’ve helped with speech and meltdowns. Every kiddo is different but might be worth a shot!
Is he verbal or is able to communicate effectively with you? My 2 year old was like that until he was able to start communicating his needs with us through a speech device. Once he was able to communicate what he wanted it was like night and day and he's almost always happy.
My son is mostly nonverbal. He’s in speech and starts occupational and ABA therapy as well.
He’s been seen by doctors just to make sure he’s okay
Wow!! I have 2 boys with autism. My youngest is 3. And he cries alllllllllll the time. He is verbal but still learning sentences. He just chooses to cry instead of using the simple words he knows like cup or drink. He can even say mommy. And he doesn't like to follow rules or directions is my issue with him besides the excessive crying. Idk what to do with him at times.
@Maranda I can kinduh relate to the crying issue.
Try putting on cloudbabies my niece and nephew love it and it calms my daughter and or try singing sometime boredom kills songs pictures seeing something new or hearing a good beat works
Sending you love mama! Good job. Maybe there’s something wrong? Have you tried getting him seen? I’m thinking maybe tummy problems?