Baby grunting for hours

My baby (6 weeks old) makes these sounds while sleeping - very loud grunting, straining his body, sounds uncomfortable, sometimes like a goat sound. He still sleeps but makes these sounds once every 15 seconds and it’s tough to sleep through because very very loud and I’m concerned if he’s ok and whether anything I can do to help him or is this just a developmental phase? Anyone else baby does the same? Should I be worried?
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My daughter does the same she about to be 6 weeks in a couple days. Pediatrician said it’s normal, sometimes they are learning how to use their muscles when they are going to poop

Mine did it till I cut diary and when i supplement with formula it has to be hypoallergenic

I love the goat sounds. They make me giggle every time!! 😄

The grunting can be from silent reflux too

@Liz yes to this! my sons is silent reflux

lol that just now started ? Been dealing with this since 3 weeks lol it’s called active sleep- good luck- look it up on taking Cara babies- it’s part of their rem cycles and connecting them- been keeping me up for weeks

Same my baby is the same way even the goat sound. I think it might be gas sometimes but I think they are okay

My 3 week old does the same lol. Ear plugs have been a lifesaver. I can still hear when he cries and wakes up but I sleep through the grunts, most of the time. It could be silent reflux or gas/pooping

@Ashley me too 😭

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