Wanting one more

My baby just turned one and I really want another baby. My husband is one and done. He wears a condom and is strict about it. I’m always hoping for an oopsie but not even sure how that will happen
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Oh DEAR! I feel sorry for you but honestly he may be doing you a favor in the long run. I’d say if a guy is adamant about such don’t even rush it. If you get pregnant , with an oopsie let it happen on Gods timing. ⏱️ Y’all already have one and now he’s wearing a condom because he knows you want another so idk he may just not be ready right now🤷🏾‍♀️ but what I do know is protect yourself and your feelings sugar. Let it happen when it happens <3 Wishing you the best outcome 💝💗

Having a baby is a blessing and a beautiful thing to want. My children are 2 years and 2.5 years apart. I got pregnant when my lo was 15 months. It was not planned but we don’t use condoms. I tracked my ovulation but always missed my ovulation days according to my tracker I fell pregnant when I wasn’t ovulating 🤷🏾‍♀️ However, Having a baby while having a baby is HARD especially when you already have one so young. When the baby gets older and they are more independent like walking they tend to change your mind.

This was me! We are older parents . My first is so social, it was burning me out lol. At 3, I confronted my husband with a serious talk. It was killing me to think we’d leave our son without a sibling. (To try) All his cousins are overseas. My husband was adamant and concerned bec of my age too. I told him that honestly I’d feel resentment towards him forever,if we didn’t try. It was a HARD conversation. I was upset but he came around. 5 years apart almost to the day. We have 2 sons. I conceived at 40 and 45. Both healthy. That’s another conversation. But I’d wait and get through this hard baby/toddler stage. Perhaps you will change your mind over time. But keep letting him know how you feel. 🤷‍♀️ Good luck!

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