I drove same day. We returned home in Wales after giving birth in England. My husband was tired and I gave him a break. I only had one paracetamol and one ibuprofen. It was absolutely fine just a bit sore. (I was lucky second baby was tiny so no tearing and no stitches for me ) I drove again after a week and 10 days. I would say tends to be tiring after having the baby from the lack of sleep
I drove 2 days after!
I had an episiotomy and was advised not to drive for 2 weeks to allow myself to heal.. everyone is different as long as you haven’t been told by a doctor you can’t (insurance reasons) go with when you feel is right. Start with a short journey with someone that can drive you back if you feel uncomfortable if you can and go from there. X
Couple of days x
You don't need to wait, just whatever feels right for you!
I drove the day after as felt completely fine x
I gave birth on the Monday and drove again on the following Sunday. I had forceps and episiotomy.
@Hannah thanks! I guess I’m just worrying, what’s recommended- if anything. Ftm here and just don’t want to develop any lingering stomach pains or back aches because of driving ‘too soon’.
I didn't give birth vaginally so I can't comment. However when my sister did (2 years ago) she drove the next day.