I thought it was great. Had two of them over ,10 years or so, stopped my periods and generally made life easy and carefree! Does hurt to have it in but worth it
I love mine! I had 2 over a number of years, had it out to have a baby and then they put one back in during my c section. No periods, no pain after the first 24 hours. No stress 😊
Had mine over 3 years now and better than every other thing I tried , period have stopped and everything so no complaints from me x
I'm a Hormone Hypnotherapist and been treating clients naturaly for hormone imbalances. They've gone through such a massive roller coaster trying all sorts to fix plenty of symptoms before they finally realised it was due to the mire a coil. After removing the coil, some were still struggling 2 or 4 years on with plenty of hormonal issues. Dr's couldn't really help either. Until they found me and we were able to rebalance their hormones again within as little as 2-6 sessions. I personally wouldn't recommend. Saying that, as with all birth control, some works great for some and horrible for others. You won't know until you try it, but it could lead to months of turmoil. Also, there's actually a mirena coil support group and good and bad stories group on fb. I'd suggest joining those and doing some research before getting it. Good luck.
I loved mine! I suffer really badly from other hormonal birth control but not the mirena. I still had regular periods but they were super super light! I have endometriosis so it helps with my symptoms along with preventing pregnancy 😊
Thanks for all the info x
Not sure but I am due to have this next month so interested to know. I know 1 person who has it with no complaints and a nurse who recommended it x