Just Joined

Hey moms! I just joined this group and I’m happy we’re all gathered in one place. A bit about me: I’m a new mom who is currently focused on building her relationship with Christ. I decided to get baptized again a week before I found out I was pregnant and got baptized the week after. I’m currently on my journey to read the Bible in its entirety and I’m starting with children’s bibles since I didn’t get that foundation as a child lol. If anyone has any great Bible suggestions please leave them in the comments, I would love to set that foundation for my daughter since the children’s bibles I’m reading will be gifted to her once she’s older! 💖
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@Emma hi there, thank you! So it’s a zoom Bible course? How does it work?

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you and this exciting journey! The Bible Project is a good listen to help you understand the structure and stories and how they relate to each other (the flow of the Bible) https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVpri7vfPPtKUOaqAAjEtZR4C-bO5Y_XQ God abundantly bless you!!

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