
Who else’s 9 month old baby not crawling yet?
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Mine isn’t , doesn’t look remotely interested either x

Mine isn't yet he's rocking and rolling around room .. But every baby is different don't worry about them until at least 1 x

No crawling but pulling to stand, and starting to cruise. Trying to get to crawl, is like pulling teeth

Only army

Not yet either, isn’t even pulling to stand consistently but can weight bare when I stand him up and he’ll hold onto things honestly don’t worry they all do things differently, My friends wee boy is a few weeks younger been crawling for ages pulling to stand cruising, but is only babbling where as my LO speaks quite a lot and very clearly but isn’t crawling or cruising, they all do things differently and at their own pace and learn new skills at different times ☺️

My boy is 2 days off 10 month and doesn’t even roll over, his twin sister has crawling and walking along furniture for like 6 weeks🫣🤣 but then my boy is on the 93rd centile so it’s a lot of weight to shift hahah x

Mine. Only yesterday I took her to a play date with 2 boys around the same age and looking at them crawling and climbing around she managed to move 1 hand in front and push her bum lol but that's it so far

My girl is commando crawling. Keeps going up on all 4’s and rocking but can’t quite move. She’d rather drag herself around the room 🤣

I wouldn’t stress! They say babies focus on one skill at a time- my boy is very physical but has only just starting using more sounds and babbling here and there!! So he’s a later babbler but faster crawler as he focused on crawling first x

Still no crawling for us either. Doing lots of moves that are close to it but only move backwards at the minute

No crawling or pulling to stand at all yet! But happily sitting and playing with toys

@Emily twins 🥹 I love this, I think it perfectly shows how baby’s develop differently! My sisters baby never crawled (bum shuffled) and my other sisters babe (4 weeks apart did very early) but then the bum shuffler 😂 walked a lot earlier! All in their own time ♥️

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