Responding to name?

Is anyone else's little one not responding to their name yet? If I call my little boys name (almost 13 months) most of the time he'll completely ignore you. I don't know if I should be concerned or if it is normal for this age? He's usually distracted by something but not always but if you call his name 20 times he'll *maybe* look at you on one or two of them. He did typically look at the HV when she did her check a few months ago but it's very, very rare he does now. Also no pointing or waving yet. I don't know if I should be calling HV?
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My boy turned 12 months (5th), he only started waving two days ago. Doesn’t point, has clapped for a while. Has responded to his name a while. Does he respond to other things? Like when you talk to him does he look at you? Ask for a hearing test?

@Megan his hearing is absolutely fine. He'll hear a toy, or you rustling food etc from across the other side of a room but 9/10 he will completely ignore you if you call him or speak to him. He'll look at you when you're talking to him - like if you're on the floor with him/he's on your lap/in his highchair. He can clap, has been doing that for a while now, at least a month or two but no pointing or waving. We thought he waved in nursery last week but he's not done it since so not sure

So I have g/b twins nearly 13mths. My girl waves all the time, responds to name every time. My boy defo knows his name but seriously I think he has selective hearing like his dad as a lot of the time he ignores me if he is playing with something 🤣 he’s clapping, neither are pointing yet. He literally did his first wave yday. We had HV review on Thurs to check on his mobility as wasn’t crawling, (has just started last weekend )and HV wasn’t concerned at all. They are so differnt, girl is very social but charges around, loves attention and doesn’t really play with toys, boy really focuses more on toys and is much quieter. Maybe give your HV a call for reassurance but I’m sure he is ok, they change so rapidly at this point xx

@Laura he definitely ignores when he's playing with toys. He will very occasionally look at me if I call him, but it's really not often at all. I've heard boys are lazier though so hopefully it's just this 💜

If I’m honest I don’t think it’s concerning. My boy ignores me, has done a few times. May be just engrossed and not easily distracted. If you are concerned just reach out to the HV or GP. Xx

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