Sex after birth

How is everyone feeling about the six weeks waiting? I am two weeks postpartum and my hormones are making me extra cuddling and I want to snuggle in my husband all the time. But hugs and kisses are becoming not enough, especially that we haven't been much intimate for the past few months of my pregnancy. Another 4 weeks seems like forever...
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Honestly I’m still a mess so I’m absolutely fine with waiting another few weeks at least 😅 if you feel ready in yourself that’s fair enough, some women are able to do it sooner depending on your birth experience. Personally I’d just wait!

I’d defo wait, it’s due to infection. Also depends what type of birth you had! Xx

With my first I wasn’t interested at all after but this time I feel the exact same as you 😂 10 days post and from about 5 days onwards I’ve been extra extra cuddly 😂 can’t wait for the 6 weeks but adamant I don’t want no more kids so I’m a bit like come here but also stay away 🙅🏼‍♀️🤣

I'm 3 weeks pp and I am in no way prepared to be intimate again lol xx

I'm almost 6 weeks pp and have been intimate with my partner for about a week now. I know they say 6 weeks but it just happened. I had a c section birth.

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