I’d defo wait, it’s due to infection. Also depends what type of birth you had! Xx
With my first I wasn’t interested at all after but this time I feel the exact same as you 😂 10 days post and from about 5 days onwards I’ve been extra extra cuddly 😂 can’t wait for the 6 weeks but adamant I don’t want no more kids so I’m a bit like come here but also stay away 🙅🏼♀️🤣
I'm 3 weeks pp and I am in no way prepared to be intimate again lol xx
I'm almost 6 weeks pp and have been intimate with my partner for about a week now. I know they say 6 weeks but it just happened. I had a c section birth.
Honestly I’m still a mess so I’m absolutely fine with waiting another few weeks at least 😅 if you feel ready in yourself that’s fair enough, some women are able to do it sooner depending on your birth experience. Personally I’d just wait!