I had similar experience with my first I ended up transferring to Whiston at 37 weeks because I was scared to give birth under their care!! Could not fault Whiston at all I had more care in 3 weeks at Whiston than 37 weeks at the women I would consider transferring xx
I had a nightmare with them top and at 24 weeks I transferred to Whiston and they've been amazing with me, im high risk and they've been fantastic, im 34 weeks on Monday and I already have my c section date booked in and I've had it booked in since I was 28 weeks x
Nice to know I’m not the only one but sad that we all have to deal with it too should never be the case, I’m a high risk pregnancy after a previous loss and will be monitored throughout by preterm labour team, i need my dating scan so i can be referred to the team so them making errors like today only delays me being monitored, I’m already anxious enough as it is the last thing i need is important scans and meetings delayed Also id love to change to Whiston but i struggle enough getting to the womens cant imagine it would be much easier going to Whiston 😅
Ah this is so worrying, so sorry you are having a nightmare. I had such a bad experience at whiston that I chose Liverpool women’s this time, but haven’t really known anyone to know what it is like there! (I know everyone’s experience is unique and some are great some are bad) although I found my booking in appointment a lot different this time and I was in there for a total of 3 hours! X
I hated giving birth at the women’s I had no issues up until labour luckily but because it was my first and apparently I was a young mum (22 at the time) they didn’t believe I was in labour as I was talking and everything until I forced them to check me I was in fact 8cms after birth they just kinda left me to handle it on my own when my partner wasn’t there. Was in a ward with women in pain clearly needing help and I was the only one who hadn’t had a C-section on the ward so I helped them getting the babies out the cot because they just couldn’t reach in pain. I’ll be opting for a home birth this time 🤞🏼
I’ve had a nightmare with them too - I needed a rescan after my 20 weeks because of the position the baby was lying and I heard nothing and was told it wasn’t on the system. So ended up getting my 20 weeks scan at 27 weeks!