If I eat something they would fancy, I do it somewhere they don't see 🤣 i rearly share my food with my kids 🙂
If I know for a fact that they’re not hungry I don’t. I realized that my toddler will just eat off of anybody’s plate because I let her do it. So if we’re out at a restaurant, on the plane or somewhere else she’ll reach out to eat strangers food. Once I realized that I stopped sharing. I offer 6/7 meals and snacks a day so definitely not starving her
You’re allowed to set boundaries with your food. Basically tell them if they’re hungry they can have their own but they cannot have some from your bowl. I think it helps if you eat at the same time and have a similar meal as well to reduce the thievery
They are all toddlers so yes pretty much but I want to I suppose if I didn’t want to i wouldn’t and would let them know why
I share all my food with my 16 month old 😂 but it’s up to you to work out what boundaries work for you all!
I shared all my food with my kids while they were really young but after around 2 I started making boundaries and I think that’s good for them too
I just make myself extra food in case my daughter wants mine too. It all depends on how you want to go about things. Don’t want to share? Don’t. Want to? Do it. Not all the time? Set boundaries.
I typically don’t share my food with my kids. Boundaries are important. I share on my terms and that’s what I teach the kids when it comes to their stuff. No one has to share unless it has been designated a community or house thing.
Yeah. If it’s something he/they can have, then I’ll share with him/them. My toddler will ask for some nicely if he wants some, he never just takes stuff without asking first. The baby will just grab at my plate until I give him some. But I’ll always share with my babies 🥰 But if I was having issues with either of them not wanting to eat their own food etc, then no, I wouldn’t just keep letting them do that.
She mainly eats what I eat, but when I'm having a treat or something for myself .. I share as long as she asks, always plating separately to establish boundaries and let her know we each have our own. If she's eating a snack, I'll occasionally ask for a bit to help with sharing. It's okay if she doesn't want to share, but I let her know we can buy/ get more tomorrow if it runs out. She knows not to share things she's biting / drinking directly from with others.
With my boy I always offered him what I had and then he become a extremely fussy eater and didn't want my food My girl has allergies so if she can have it we share if she can't I say no it has moo cow or barley, eggs etc She's nearly 14 months old so doesn't completely understand but she knows that means no and if her brother is eating she always has something as his food likely has something in she's allergic t9
It’s ok to have boundaries with your kids. Sometimes I share and sometimes I don’t. They should understand not everything is theirs.
I was going to post the exact question pretty much! My 15 month old wakes up and has a full banana, and then I made him x2 scrambled eggs and a slice of toast. He ate both eggs and the soft part of the toast! (He washed it all down with water as he isn't a milk drinker) I then cleaned up and made my breakfast and no more than 15 mins after he finished his breakfast and sat down he was asking for some of mine (eggs on toast). So I gave him some, I knew he couldn't be hungry, but is it just them wanting what we have? I think when we have mealtimes together, it is best, but sometimes we can't do this as my partner works shifts and I'm just not hungry for tea at 16:30! But I have noticed he will try more variety when we eat together!