You can call the police and make a noise complaint, but they would know it was you as you've already discussed this with them. Sorry you have such uncaring neighbours
look up your cities “quiet hours” if they have that (and if you’re in the us) if they’re outside of that you can call the cops on them. also report it to leasing office if you’re in a complex/renting
Why is this in the poll group?
@Rachel why does that matter? I need help isn’t that the whole purpose of the app for mums to help one another in some way or other
@Rachel does it really matter? Just scroll by if it bothers you that much 🙃
There are lots of other groups that this could have been posted in. There is no poll, so it shouldn't be in the poll group. It's as simple as that.
@Rachel it doesn’t matter. She needs help so help or move past. Why do you care?
@Shannon because there is no poll obviously & this is the poll group 🙄
@Rachel you need to relax it’s not that deep it’s for everyone there’s no restrictions to certain people
Are you in the UK? Because you can report them and they will receive a letter to advise of the compliant and if they continue they will be monitored