Mines only saying 15 to 20 words and I’m concerned too. At this age my daughter was saying some very complicated words and starting to string sentences together so it is concerning to me
My son says less than 10 words. I'm thinking of putting him in nursery from now in hopes that it helps
He’s been saying a lot more words this month.. I wonna say 30 words 🤔😂❤️ he can also say Cheers 🍻 and Fist pump!! 👊🏼 Someone over Christmas said it to him & he remembered it!
I think my little boy has about 20 words, maybe a few more and he says “I don’t want it” a lot 😂 which his only sentence. But I’m not worried, he only really started talking in the last month so I’m expecting more to come over the next few months.
Looking at this.. I am now concerned.. I don't think my LB speaks more than 10 words.. which includes mama(sometimes), papa, cheers, chacha, woof, crows voice imitation, dhu du(milk in Hindi), ayexa(which he means Alexa).. he is learning two languages though.. 🤐🥴
@nimisha my son is the same. Said under 10 words and is learning 2 languages.
@Sara I believe that is ok. .. 🤞🏻I checked up with HV sometime back regarding this she said it is ok. But seeing this made me worry
@nimisha I was told that bilingual children take longer to start speaking, but seeing this did still worry me a little.
My little boy's recently had a speech explosion and he's currently on around 160 words, HOWEVER I wouldn't panic at all if your child is at a completely different stage because I understand that there's a really big variation in children's speech development and it doesn't indicate anything to do with how good their speech or cognition will eventually be. This podcast episode was really useful on this when I was worrying a few months ago (when I felt like everyone's little one was saying mama and dada apart from mine!) https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/parentdata-with-emily-oster/id1633515294?i=1000640515112 Since your little one is talking and building up their vocabulary over time that seems to indicate that they don't have a developmental issue and they're entirely on the right track. So I know it's difficult but try not to stress about the number of words. Development isn't linear - often children can be at a certain stage for ages and then suddenly make a massive leap! 😊
My little one currently says zero words. He babbles. I wouldn't be worried if I was you. Although as mine isn't saying anything yet he has been referred to salt.
I think mines the same but it’s more understanding they will look at it
My boy barely says anything. He’s very vocal and constantly babbles but he literally says mama, dada and cheese. He will nod and shake his head. That’s it. I know I should be worried but I don’t have the mental capacity for more stress right now so just trying to go with it!
My kiddo is in the same boat and her words are not well pronounced. It’s hard to not panic because I’m heard kiss her age say all the colours clearly and count clearly and can mimic almost any word clearly.
First of remember each child develops different. My girl can speak about 20 words currently. Xx