Speech therapy

Is speech therapy helpful for 18-19 months old. Did anybody notice improvement?
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If a child needs speech therapy it is helpful at any age. My eldest has had intensive speech therapy for the last 2 years and it's made a huge difference to his speech

It isn’t even considered a delay before the age of 2 in the uk. Even then they don’t refer until the age of 3.

@Karen it can be. My son has severe dld and CAS and it was obvious he was delayed by 20 months. He's had regular speech therapy since then, he still has a programme that we follow now to support his speech.

They do refer before age 3, my son had 0 speech at 18 months and was referred, around a year wait and hes now accessing the service, hes only 3 in july so they will accept referrals.

@Alice has your son’s speech come along in the meantime.

My son received speech therapy and occupational therapy, which helped a lot. Here in the USA, they also offer continued services for anything he may need once he ages out of the early childhood intervention program which is once they turn 3. Then they transition to school.

Yes speech therapy is a great move to make. Earlier you start the better and keep encouraging speech across all settings and people and not just in the therapy session.

@Christina id say so, he babbles alot more and hes definitely trying to form words, i do think nursery has also helped with this though. X

Yes early early early. Get someone who is play based and start as soon as you get the referral!

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