I’ve through the exact same situation as you and I think that’s why I’m feeling so negative about it all. I don’t even want to keep testing as I’m getting paranoid just incase the line isn’t dark no more. The first few weeks before that reassurance scan is such a mind fuck x
It’s absolutely is! I just hope you have some reassurance that you aren’t going through it alone, it’s such a lonely place sometimes x
Thank you so much! Xx
Hiya I share your feelings, I’m around 5 weeks (so I think) and I’m cramping sometimes not so bad and sometimes like a bad period pain. But always thinking the worse and wondering if everything is okay. This process at the start is filled with anxiety
I’m the same! This is my second pregnancy (around 6 weeks) and I was exactly the same with my first. I’m trying not to get too excited because it feels early and I’m convinced something will happen. Thankfully my first went well but this experience definitely brings more fear and anxiety than anything else
I’m glad I’m not the only one. I feel fine in the morning and during the day so it panics me then it hits me around this time with dizziness etc. this is my 2nd too 🥰 I just want to finally be able to give him a sibling
I know the exactly feeling as I’m going through the same thing. I have 2 chemical pregnancies before this one and I’m currently 7 weeks. I couldn’t sleep or be happy because I just throught I am going to loose this baby as well and still the same. We saw baby on an early scan yesterday and it filled me with so much hope. All I would say is try and enjoy every moment and don’t let yourself be sucked into the negative thoughts because it’s just so draining. I know it’s easier said then done x