@danielle never heard of this … running to google because I have a bigger 3yo as well
Try not giving any drinks an hour or two before bedtime
They are the pampers - for children who aren’t dry at nite yet - they’re available widely in uk
@sophie I tried this but my toddler literally wakes up in the middle of the night screaming for a cup of milk or tea. And won’t lay down without having her bottle. I know I have to stop this habit but it’s been hard because she won’t let me sleep without it 😭
@danielle ordering some now. Thank you so much
Have you put plastic protective sheet covers on the mattress? If in Aus I find dry nights are good. As Sophie said, try not to give drinks 1 to 2 hrs before bed. I understand your predicament, though. Best of luck!! I know how exhausting all that washing is too. Also, as Danielle said, a size larger would probably hold more but as for leakage, check the larger size to see that it's not loose around your lo thigh. Best of luck
Would they notice if you slowly start reducing the amount or even watering it down if it’s tea or something?
Try to cut down on liquids starting an hour before bedtime. Double diaper along with the bed pad.
Ninjamas - they only do them for age 4+- but my slightly bigger for his age 3 yo is fine in them- depends on the age/ size of your little but these work better than any nappy we’ve tried before