I hate it. Very over stimulating. I pump and breast feed from birth so I get them used to taking both. I started pumping exclusively when they got teeth, I cant handle the biting. Planning on doing the same with my 2m old when she gets her teeth in. Pumping can be really overwhelming but if you only have one baby then it may be easier for you.. I have 3 others at home 😭 they all run around and scream when I finally sit down to pump.
Girl I stopped at 1 month because I was utterly miserable and was losing my mind not getting more than an hour of sleep because my baby was constantly cluster feeding. Never let ANYBODy guilt you into doing something you want to do. You are in no way a bad mom for wanting to stop, I think it makes you an amazing mom for being aware of your needs and wanting to be better for your baby! A fed baby is a healthy baby, it doesn’t matter if with formula or breastmilk. Just wanted you to know that you’re definitely not alone in hating breastfeeding!! Nobody warns you how exhausting and overstimulating it is 😭
Your husband doesn’t get to say. He’s not the one having to do it. I’m almost a year in two weeks and he has 6 teeth and recently made me bleed I am over it I wanna be done I want my body back I am so sick of being a human pacifier. And I know it’s going to be Absolute hell when I try to break him he won’t take anything but me. No binki no bottles just me and me n honestly I’m done
Also my bf let the baby latch on to him once and when he realized what it felt like he screamed and was like OH NO
I've done exclusively breastfeeding for 2 years, breastfeeding for 3 months then formula, and then exclusively pumping with my baby. All 3 are totally healthy, smart, and thriving humans (22, 15, and almost 1yr!). You are never a "bad mom" for feeding your baby. To wean, I highly suggest dropping 1 feeding every 2 - 3 days. Make sure you're increasing calories another way, though. So if you choose to drop the wake-up feeding to start, replace that with whole milk or toddler formula. Then so on for each dropped feeding.
I didn’t breastfeed at all. My mental health is more important than breast milk. My husband supports me. Because happy mother = happy baby!
That’s wild that your husband had a say in your breastfeeding journey.
I got the ick with breastfeeding my daughter around the 3 month mark. So I decided to start switching over the formula, which is when I realised she wouldn’t take a bottle! It made me hate it even more. I persevered and after a couple of weeks she finally took it (so I was still doing breastfeeding while she wasn’t taking it of course!). It was the best thing for me mentally which then had such a positive effect on my daughter who then slept through the night from 4 months!! I understand your husbands views and yes we all know breast is best but to be a good mum you need to be happy and healthy so do what feels right for you xxx