@Kait thank you, he’s been crying all day🥲 just wish I could help him
Hey, we are the same, my baby can already see a tooth but the other is the same as your image, it has been 3 days to sleep at night, finally I gave up and I have given him medicine for the pain and today I hope it will be a better night, because only the baby is uncomfortable and cries and does not sleep at all at night it is so tiring.
@Liz aw that’s so horrible I’ve been going through the same thing, but baby boys tooth has finally come through just waiting on the second now😅
It looks like they are there but doesn’t look like it’s “cut “the gums yet. Honestly my LO who is 9 months old got two bottom teeth then the top ones took a month and half just to cut through. I also know other babies that just got their first tooth at 1 years old.