Food waste

I know my baby needs to learn and i’m fine with that. But the amount of food and time i’m wasting is ridiculous. She will not feed herself or even try to, just picks stuff up and throws it on the floor. I spend a long time cooking for her etc for it all to end up on the floor. I know this sounds like i’m a bad mum but I can’t afford to keep buying food for her to not even try it of eat any of it.
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I give pieces of what I'm cooking for others, so I'm not cooking just for her and then it's very small amounts to throw out 🙂

Appreciate its not for everyone but I started using pouches for this reason. They’re like 70p in Lidl and I give her half one day and half the other and if they end up on the floor then it’s not the end of the world. I had the misconception that packaged baby food would be full of chemicals and additives but they’re really not. It’s literally just organic clean ingredients so I’m more relaxed with using them now if the dinner we’ve made isn’t baby appropriate. Also to add to this my baby isn’t hugely interested in feeding herself either so I usually spoonfeed her for as much as she will take and then I just leave her sat there with a bowl in front of her with the spoon whilst I tidy the kitchen and she kind of just plays around with it putting it in her ears and all sorts but at least I know she’s eaten some of it!

I'm using purees too as LO isn't putting food in her mouth yet, I let her play with steamed veg or a piece of toast or a melty puff every now and then so I can see if she's getting ready to show signs of feeding herself yet but I'm not preparing anything else BLW style until she's ready to put them in her mouth. I'm soo excited to try recipes but I'm holding off until it won't be a complete waste 😅

Feed her yourself until she’s ready to not throw it on the floor. I’ve spoon fed my food since day one and then start introducing fingers foods slowly. He occasionally throws things but not often x

@Elena i was doing this but the HV said i had to let her do it herself 🤷🏻‍♀️

She didn’t birth your child or go through 9 months of pregnancy.. take what they say with a pinch of salt. Yes they need to learn to eat finger foods but it doesn’t mean the whole meal needs to be self fed x

Are you doing finger foods or purées? I appreciate what your health visitor said about them needing to learn to feed themselves, but my baby wasn’t interested in grabbing food and feeding himself either unless I put the food in his hand. After doing this for a while, I put him in his highchair one day and he picked up the food and started feeding himself. They’ll figure it out eventually, but in the meantime I don’t see the issue with helping her eat.

Just because BLW is the ideal it doesn’t mean it works for every baby or every mum! We would have all been started on baby rice and purees when we were babies and I’m pretty sure we all know how to feed ourselves solids now so don’t let her put you under unnecessary pressure xxxx

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