Fetus size discrepancy

I had a ultrasound yesterday and according my my dates and last ultrasound I had roughly a week and a half ago the babies should of measured 9W and 9W1D however the doctor told me she was concern of a miscarriage since they were only measuring 8W6D , both had great heartbeats and were moving . I did a bit more research (I know google is bad ) and saw that at 9W the measurement listed is 2.3cm and my babies were measuring 2.18 and 2.13 I personally feel this isn’t a big gap ,I was hoping to hear from others what their babies measured around that time line . I can only call my family doctor Monday and am trying to get some reassurance until then .
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Personally I think if you had a strong heart beat all should be well and I’d continue on without stressing about it (the more you stress more it puts on the little babe too) so try and breathe baby could just be measuring off every baby is different and grow at different rates! You can always request more ultrasounds as a high risk patient! I having a miscarriage in my pass the doctor should never have even mentioned it unless they know it’s for sure, blood work can also be taken to see if your HCG levels are still rising or where they are at! Don’t stress to much mama love the little blessing in you untill things are for sure!

I was told throughout my whole pregnancy that by baby was in the 99th percentile (huge) and they even wanted me in for extra ultrasounds towards the end to keep track of baby’s size, which I denied. I firmly believe our bodies will not create something they can’t handle. Baby girl was born teeny… a mere 5lb13oz, full term and 100% healthy. There is so much room for error in these ultrasounds… I know many women with similar stories. Like Kayleigh said - a strong heart beat tells you everything you need to know. Keep positive, try not to worry, and trust in the process. ❤️

I can also attest to ultrasound measurements being off and I would not think to much of them as long as heartbeat and movement are strong and that over time ultrasound shows growth... Stress is ur worst enemy, easier said than done but try ur best! Good luck mama!

Ultrasound measurements can definitely be off, and were over here too. If it's babieS and not just 1 then I worry even less with the numbers your shared. Wishing you a continued healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery too!

Mine was 2.34

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