Awwwh, that must be so difficult. My eldest had speech delay, so in some way, I do understand how you feel. She will be 9 in March and you wouldn't believe it that she had speech delay tho compared to my youngest, its still definitely different despite youngest being 3. We saw a speech and language therapist and done a speech and language course. Usually they don't do much until they are 4 years old as there is still a chance for them to say something. Have you tried sign language? It should help give her a way to communicate with you even if she doesn't have words yet. You are doing your best, don't knock yourself down mumma!
@Devon thank you. I can’t help but worry there is more going on. Thank you for your reply. Hearing has been an issue but surgery last year. So it doesn’t seem to just be hearing. Just a worry!
@gabi thank you! We have done absolutely everything we can! NHS speech is taking a long time so we have been private since summer 23! Yes uses some signs, but inconsistently. Understanding has developed a lot though. Some days are just harder than others x
Big hugs for you. You are doing a great job. Have you mentioned to your HV about possibilities of ASD? x
@gabi thank you ☺️. Yes, I requested a referral at the 2 year check. Nobody is sure!
Does she attend a nursery? They help with referral so to support with getting referred for speech issues. My 3.4 months is delayed all tho going to nursery as brought him on he's now doing speech therapy which is helping. We doing lot of one to one games face to face as advised he now speaking loads more around ppl he knows. We do think he is autistic tho a nursery av voiced the same. Here if need to talk
@Paula thank you! Yes and she enjoys it :) we have done all the referrals. Agree, people games are fantastic and really helped her engagement :)
My brother didn’t speak much until he was over 3. He would just point and I would tell people what he wanted. Now he never stops talking… he’s extremely intelligent. I honestly would try not to worry. She will get there in her own time.
We had sessions at our local family hub for speech, then referred to audiology for hearing test passed that, had a chat with SEND who said no absolutely fine, now waiting to hear from speech therapy. Feel free to message for a chat if want