I'm sorry she is interfering. Honestly 2 to 3 oz is very normal for a breastfeeding baby. My daughter never went over 4 oz a feeding the whole time she was breastfed. At 4 months they still wake up to feed multiple times a night. I think my kids both still fed 1 to 2 times a night until almost 1 and a half. Also, as you said she is teething so of course she is waking more and clingy. There is also growth spurts when they cluster feed and there is a 4 month sleep regression as well. You are doing great and don't listen to them.
You do NOT need to supplement and she’s getting more than enough from you. Its normal for a baby to wake up multiple times in a night. My daughter has only slept through 5 times in 11 months its NORMAL! Breastfed babies digest milk easier so thats why they require more frequent feedings nothing to do with because its ‘not enough’. You are enough for your baby and dont let anyone try to control when you wean your little girl. YOUR journey🩷
"Thanks for your input, but her pediatrician says she's doing fine. Gosh, the weather's been cold lately, hasn't it?" If she doesn't get the hint after the first few brush-offs/subject changes, firmly tell her that if she does not stop bringing this up, she will not be seeing your child for a while.
Ugh. I am very biased due to my own experience with my mother in law who also thinks she has the place to tell me what to do with my own boobs.... and to ask me questions about how I feed MY baby (she's American... but it's still weird and I'm British it's super weird for us, we are not close and she doesn't know me). I think you need to tell your mother-in-law that her relationship with you and her grand-daughter is crossing a line, and that you prefer to keep some things private from now on. It's not appropriate to be so close regarding boobs with your in-laws. Breastfeeding may be natural, but it is initmate and nobody else's business. I'd personally feel violated she even asked any questions regarding feeding. That is between you and your baby (and maybe your husband). Your husband isn't going to get it, but she does and it is out of order. I'm so sorry your mum died and I hope so much your MIL isn't turning into mother-in-hell, as that would be traumatic with a new baby and your mum's passinh