@Bobbie Wilson I was worried as I compare him to others that Already do😣
My eldest was a late walker and a very late talker, I had a friend who had a baby 6 weeks earlier. I try not to but I still compare and they're almost 3! Its so hard not to! The only reason I don't this time is because I probably compare my own 2 so this time he feels advanced 😂
My boy is 17 months on the 5th and today he has finally got the hang of the whole walking thing. He was doing exactly what your boy is doing now for a good couple of months.
I was 18 months when I started walking! Nothing wrong with my walking now 🤣 I know it’s natural to worry, but try not to. There will be things your little one will do earlier than others, and other things they’ll do a bit later. They’re all so different, and on their own schedule x
Same here! Literally also started crawling around then as well 😂