Toddler speech

People keep telling me my little boy is quite advanced with his speech. He does love to talk and will Parrott back any word we say, he doesn't always understand it but he can say it. Even when my mother in law says words in Spanish he will repeat them. He also speaks in short sentences, 5 or 6 words like "mummy my water in the bag" or "daddy outside play in the park". I don't really know many other young children and assumed this was normal but I'm wondering if maybe it isn't? I've posted incognito because I worry people will take this the wrong way. I don't think my child is a genius I just wanted to know whether he's on track or a bit advanced with his speech. I'm not trying to brag or anything! (Although I am proud of him!!) I'll also ask his health visitor at his next review.
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Yeah somewhat advanced from my knowledge of speech and language milestones (I've seen a few documents from a friend who had a referral) but nothing out of the ordinary. Mine was very slow to most milestones but for the first time is a bit more advanced with her speech, but the children who are speaking less than her that we know are advanced in other ways. It's nice that for once I'm not worried about her progress, I'm just grateful that we have the communication that we do as it's really helping her grow in confidence as she can be very shy. I don't think you need to specifically ask the HV about it because it will be covered as part of the normal questions 😊

My son is the same he can speak in sentences and say pretty much all words if he copies you. I have been told by Nursey he’s speech is more advanced than his age x

My little boy is multilingual (dad’s language, my language and English between all 3 of us) and just started connecting 2-3 words together in my language and English. He also repeats everything we say, and is like a little sponge. I don’t know about other children, but my son always seems to hit developmental milestones earlier than the “guidelines” say, so I’d say 5-6 word sentences are quite advanced, yes. x

My little one can say words in 2 other languages, and then speaks English, her main language well, she parrots everything anyone says, she will say things like "mummy let's go upstairs, jump on daddy's bed, make sure don't fall okay", she knows her full abc and can point the letters on the fridge magnets, she sings so many nursery rhymes, fully and clearly, she memorises her books, knows what's coming on the next page and will read the sentence of the next page before Ive turned it over. She's a little genius I think, God bless her x

Same here, my boy is an absolute chatterbox and can pronounce pretty much any word perfectly and speaks in sentences. It’s lovely as we can have proper conversations 😊

Mine is the same. I am conscious of possible autism as we have a history of it in my family and language is part of pattern recognition. But I think just enjoy it while things are good. By the time the kids are 13, you won't know who spoke at 1yr vs 3yr, they'll all be talking about skibidi rizz or whatever the new slang will be 😬

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