My baby just cruises still. She turned 1 on the 3rd. She can clap her hands, climb onto the sofa, she can say ‘cat’, ‘uh-oh’ and ‘quack’ She can’t feed herself using a spoon, cant wave, can’t even hold her own bottles yet. But she’s so clever in other ways. If she hears me sing ‘open shut them, give a little clap clap clap’, she will clap and if I tell her to bounce, she will bounce. Try not to compare your baby’s development :), there’s no need to be concerned at all! Every baby is so different!
My girl has just started walking and taking steps and has been able to pull herself up since 8/9 months. But when it comes to rolling over she pretty much learnt how to crawl before doing it so I wouldn’t worry. All babies develop things easier than others and harder. It’s jsut their own pace and comparison is the thief of the job! xx
My little boy started walking a couple of weeks ago. When he started crawling, he got the jist of it but didn't use one let, he dragged it behind him. Every child is different, I've know a few friends babies who didn't crawl and went straight to walking.
My little boy sits, can move in a circle in the spot he is sitting with his legs and when he wasnts to can push himself backwards - thats it🙈he was 1 two weeks ago! X
18 months is the age you should reach out to your HV if they aren’t walking. You could ask them about using one knee. My LO can properly crawl on all 4’s, get up to standing and cruise on the sofa. My first child at his age was starting to walk off the sofa towards me for a couple of steps. My Jan baby isn’t there yet. My first walked at 13 months but I know my Jan baby won’t be by then. My Jan baby turned 13 months soon. Just remember not to compare and one week your baby might not be doing something but the next be a master at it.
My little boy was one last week and has just mastered walking. He’s been crawling for months and clapping etc. he doesn’t really say much at all though and has no interest in words! I think as above they’re so so different I try not to google when he should do things otherwise you’ll just get stressed out x
Don’t compare your boy to others as he is different to all other babies. I wouldn’t be too worried. My daughter took ages to crawl she would just row back and forward for weeks and then one day she mastered it and it took about a month to perfect it. Now she is off anytime you say come here as she usually has something in her hand like a hair or crumb I don’t hoover every day 😂. My little one can crawl, roll, clap her hands, wave, say duck - this was d*ck for about 3 weeks 😂. Dada, daddy and mama. You be surprised how quickly they learn things. And this week she has started to walk, still very wobbly but she is getting there. But defo don’t be worried I have a friend who’s little boy is 6 days younger and he isn’t walking or waving not saying any words really. Every baby is completely different. He might not even fully crawl and go straight to walking. You’re doing amazing!! ❤️ x
I wouldn't compare babys, My lo was 1 today she's walking now, she was crawling by like 7/8 months, she claps, says mama, dada, buba, nana, and row row. She plays peekaboo And something I didn't think she would do yet is can't climb the stairs She has been wanting to do things so she can get about a been with her sister everywhere
My boy still is not crawling at all. They are so unique. I stopped comparing, however, I've asked my health visitor for a referral to a physio. She also sent me a link with exercises and forbidden a baby bouncer. I have a physio booked next month. I hope my baby will move soon. He is going to be one next week.