My son didn’t start taking solids until about 13 months. Some kiddos take longer.
Try putting it in front of them and letting baby explore the food themselves. They love to make messes. And it’s good for development. Not good for you bc of clean up. But baby will put hands in food and then in mouth. Get the taste of it. Feel it. You can get a waterproof smock for food that ties and Velcro’s on them from Amazon to help contain the mess. Or just have baby be naked. Then go to bath.
Just plop the food on their tray and let them play(: learning to eat is about sooo much more than simply consuming food, it's an entire sensory experience where babes learning and mastering sooooo many different motor skills at the same time. Babe is still getting all of their nutritional value from breastmilk/formula and should continue drinking the same amount until they're a year and transition, so these next 5 months are all about playing and practicing before babe actually HAS to be dependent on solids at a year old(: plop the food down, take the pressure off you and babe, and let em plaayyyy 🥰
Our girl did the same at that age! Her doctor said it’s most likely due to teething and to keep offering a variety of foods. Sure enough she started getting more interested and enjoys meal time!