@Ellen I only gave him one glass of red Kool aid but we cut him off of it for the rest of the night. He's been drinking a lot of fluid. We're going to try to get him something to eat
Ok the red kool aid could totally be contributing to the color then. What is supposed to be good for diarrhea is things like cream of rice, toast, applesauce, bananas.
He doesn’t have a temperature right? If he starts seeming really like limp or lethargic I’d take him to get checked out. Hope he starts feeling better soon!
@Ellen no temperature
Ok good.
The red tint would make me want to contact a doctor. Unless you were giving him to eat or drink something that could contribute to the red color. It could just be irritation of his intestinal lining but that seems a little worrisome to me to be maybe losing some blood. Definitely keep giving him fluids; dehydration is often a common problem with diarrhea, and it can get serious if his body can’t hold onto liquids.