As a wise mama told me, "You just have to last one second longer than they do." Being a nonanxious presence to a crying baby is awfully hard, but usually that's what they need. Hang in there!
@Tulin thank you. She’s never really been a cryer, so today really got to me.
@Leah thank you. 🩷
I just out mines to sleep when she does that . Lately it’s like she gets so fussy bc she is sleepy .
Sounds like you handled it perfectly. Next time throw on some “it’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to” and just cry along with baby and the music.
Purely opinion so take with grain of salt lol, Try changing her scenery, whether it's middle of day or middle of night, give her a bath or take her outside. Sometimes that's the only way I can calm down kiddos I've taken care of and my 4 week old. Also 14 month olds can still be swaddled, they never grow out of wanting that comfort, even if they try to be escape artists lol. Turn on music an dance around or put headphones in an listen to music (while comforting her) an just let her cry it out an feel whatever she's goin through while not overwhelming yourself, the crying can become alot to handle. Either way, breathe, you're doin great mama 🖤
Oh gosh I remember my son at that age he had been crying for ages I had tried everything to get him to calm down and rest I thought something was wrong turns out he was a fear of missing out baby so he would fight his sleep to the point of over tiredness and that had been like the worst it had ever been during that time 😂😂 luckily my sister came by and I explained to her she took over she was like just leave the room or be quiet out of his line of sight because he was literally acting up because I was there because it was me lol. She rocked him in the pram with a blanket over it and let him cry/calm himself to sleep. Which took a while but it had to be done after I just cried lool
@Sade I’ve just never seen my baby react this way but I think she was sleepy as well.
Thanks everyone. We were at my brother-in-law house so I think the change of scenery threw her off her routine.
@Leah yeah me either til lately my husband is silly the one more shocked . Im use to it now bc they not fully talking yet . I I knew she was fine when she was playing w her toys and just randomly started doing it , it just clicked . Like Fine nap time it is no biggie . Don’t be too hard on yourself either mama . Kids are gonna cry and be emotional they’re just figuring it out
Girl, if it’s your first time at 14 months, give yourself a reward 😂🤪 You’re just fine mama - they talk about terrible twos and threenagers - 14 - 20 months old was absolutely a wild ride for me!!!