Autism is a demon

That’s what my bff said and my son has autism level 3 I tried explaining to her about what autism is before and we’re both Christian’s however I don’t believe this and I was first so angry then I responded with love and education, still no response and I wanna cut her off now but I feel extremely sad rn and like if I take my son to church or around more believers is this what they will be thinking or assuming yk. Idk how to respond if she tries to explain herself being right and further why I just don’t care anymore but I’m sad we been friends since middle school I’m 25
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I know for sure if I tell my aunt that raised me like my mom that my son had autism, she’d say the same demon nonsense, meanwhile my grandpa is the most definitely autistic to the max. Anyways, keep your child away from them before they try casting demons out of him and traumatizing the poor baby if you turn around, i know for sure that’s what my folks will do. I don’t disclose my son’s diagnosis. The most I’d do is say directly what is happening and sensitivity e.g I’d say speech issues, say OT said he’s sensitive to sounds and textures so he had to do therapy for those things Not sure if this helpful or not

Sending love there's lots of misinformation and lack of understanding around autism in general. Let alone in Christian circles. But yeah if she won't listen there's no point. Sad tho. There are some christians like me who don't believe that tho so don't lose hope. It's hard tho opening yourself up to people and then hitting walls like that. Just do it carefully.

I’m Christian and I’ve literally never heard of people associating the two?! That’s insane. As Christians we are called to be loving and accepting.

I’m sorry fr. 💕 But someone who also has an autistic child. I just want to make you know that I see you and I hear what you are saying, but we cannot change how other people view our children it’s our jobs to make them literally and feel heard. but I also will say that you should not have anyone around you that is making it a target or making it harder for your children and you to understand what is happening currently in the world We all have an obligation to educate ourselves and make ourselves known our own rights and also others rights that we can protect with in the democracy of The. USA. or what is left of it now in terms of remaining reputable people

My son is 16 yrs old and has autism and we i've taken him to church and every one is so nice and understanding

I'm so sorry. I am a Christian myself and it's not a demon. It's just brain differences. I think you are better off protecting yourself and your son by not being her friend anymore. Those are just her thoughts and not the truth or how others may think. I wish you the best and will be praying!

It’s defo to do with the brain, as my son had mri and u can see differences on the brain. That’s really sad people say that. I’m guessing u are America ? I’m in uk and have never heard anyone say that

I’ve honestly never heard that off anyone and my son is autistic. It’s an insult personally I believe god picked our children to be special

@Natasha where did you ask for mri darling,gp or elsewhere?

I was raised far right wing ifb Baptist and this was how they treated all mental illnesses and we grew up having our stims spanked out of us. If you want to go to church I'd ask around and see how your local churches treat others.

All of these responses make me feel better but also feel for others with religious trauma in the churches it’s so sad ! It’s religious dogmatism it’s very sad and unhealthy in the body of Christ I don’t believe Jesus would think it’s okay :c

Also I did give her 2-3 good paragraphs to literally educate further again and gain my friend back and she responded to the first one basically standing on her belief and the other two about how my feelings were hurt and how I thought she loved me and my son like a nephew we been friends since forever , after sharing my feelings no response so I shared I’m letting go of our friendship and that I believe she is willingly choosing ignorance and stigmatizing autism children and I hope she doesn’t treat all kids with disabilities with religious trauma in the future I can’t have that around me nor my child it’s completely unsafe and a big red flag . Just sad she hasn’t responded not one bit or showing any compassion to my feelings

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