It’s so hard. Nothing can prepare you for this can it… it’s been a hard weekend and feel so low after non stop meltdowns.
I’ve made a cushion area in my little boys room, he’s 18 months, he can’t communicate yet and his tantrums sound much the same, he throws himself in the floor and thrashes sometimes hurting himself which makes him more upset, so when he kicks off and I can’t calm him down I just give him time out on his cushions laid out on the floor, sometimes he’ll can down and start playing with his toys, or sometimes he gets more upset because he dosent want to be in his room but at that point I’ll come back in to give him a hug because he’s no longer kicking off he’s just upset, I would love any advice or insight anyone has, this is just something I’ve found that works for both me and little one, I don’t know if it’s the right thing to do though
Sometimes I think teething has a part to play as well??
Following as I’m in the same boat with my LB god I didn’t expect them this bad so soon 🤦♀️ x