Flying start maybe? My boy will start flying start for 2.5 hours every day the term after his second birthday, I'm not sure of any other option. X
Just checked my postcode and it’s not eligible 😔
In Wales we get the 30 hours once they're 3. Unless you're in a flying start postcode.
Thanks for clarifying that ☺️
I know the feeling both my boys haven’t been entitled to the flying start because our postcode is not eligible it’s so wrong isn’t it! 😩
I would double check with your health visitor as the postcodes eligible have recently been extended. Flying start is free childcare that starts the term after your child turns 2. However if your not eligible look into the tax free childcare which is available when they start creche x
It’s so frustrating as it just seems to be our street that isn’t included in my area… I just wish life wasn’t so expensive and I could just look after my own child
You can get the tax free childcare which means the government pay 20% of your nursery fees. It’s not much but it helps x
It’s really frustrating there’s not enough support they want us mams to work but don’t support us to go back. The price of childcare is ridiculous my daughter goes 5 days a week 8-4 and we are lucky that we are entitled to the flying start but that only started the beginning of this month. Before this month I was paying £856 a month it killed me I really don’t know how I’ll afford another child just because of the childcare costs x
U maybe entitled to flying start 12.5 hrs a week in term time but depends if your postcode is eligible x