why is he going to be confused from watching ms rachel?
I don’t get it? Also I’d tell him to mind his damn business who is he to say what’s ‘correct’
Your friend sounds like an idiot, ignore him and let your little one watch whatever he wants to watch!
One thing I have learnt since becoming a mother is never let anyone else tell you how to raise your child or what to do with them! I’m sure you’re doing amazing mama x
My little girl watched Mrs Rachel still does and she is actually one of the most advanced in nursery!! Screw what others say and think you do what is best for you and your child and don't let them get you down!!! Xxx
What a thing for a friend to say! Why would your son be confused from watching Ms Rachel?
My 10 month old watches Ms Rachel, he has learnt so much from her.
I can imagine that was hurtful coming from a friend. Parenthood is hard enough without feeling judged by the people closest to you. What I found is no matter what you do you’ll never please everyone so just do what works for you and your family and everyone else should mind their own business. Everyone has their own opinion on how to raise children some are strict with diets some are strict with no screen time some do sleep training others dont, some do gentle parenting others don’t. And All options are fine and no one should tell you which decisions you’re making are good or bad. each parent will have a preference. Every decision we make as a parent is our own opinion, there’s pros and cons against everything
I think she is a bit confused.. why does she think she can tell someone how to raise their children?😬
Don't ever let anyone tell you that you aren't raising YOUR child correctly!
I don’t understand why he’d be confused! Tell your friend to mind their own! All 3 of mine have watched nursery rhymes etc on the tv from being proper little! My youngest does and he’s 8 months old, x
What does she mean by he will grow up confused? 🤣 not to sure what she means by that but your definitely not raising your son the wrong way!! Don’t listen to other peoples opinions on how to raise your children! You know best!
I think she's saying he'll be confused because miss Rachel is American, so he'll be learning words in an American accent?
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My son loves it and has the doll that sings and talks,, my son my business , he also plays with cars and tool sets .. your friend is an idiot 🫠🤣 xx
Don't worry or listen when people that includes anyone who tries to tell you you aren't raising your child correctly because you're doing what you deem best and your lite one is happy, so carry on My son also watches ms Rachael alot and he loves it ✨
I’m gonna go out a limb here and guess this friend doesn’t have any kids?
My 1 year old loves miss apple and the plus side is she’s British xxx
Confused about what? I dont get it. My son loved ms rachel when he was younger. She teaches and entertains. I dont see the issue here 🤔
My son watched Ms Rachel from birth and the doctor just said he is a year advanced in his development.
I’d be telling my ‘friend’ to go shove it where the sun don’t shine and stfu😂 is he confused?? Is that why he thinks yours will be?
Personally I don’t believe screen time before 2 is of any value or the right thing to do. But I would never tell another mum that her parenting is wrong just based on my personal opinions.
😂😂😂😂😂 girl my son was BEHIND in speech/academics until he started watching Ms. Rachel.. and he's been in daycare since 3 months.. he'll be fine and even better with Ms. Rachel's assistance 😉
@Kelly now I don't agree with that, it takes a village.. but Ms. Rachel is definitely coo 💯
My 3 year old son watches ms Rachel for a while he learned so much from watching her and he was slower at getting to talking a lot because he gets talked to in English and Spanish and after watching her he had talked way more and was telling me about different things songs ext.
I don’t see the confusion. I know plenty of kids that watch Mrs. Rachel or cocomelon or whatever and had no problem going to school
What kind of friend is that? She’s over stepping her boundaries.
What's the difference between you doing what she does and him watching her? Other than the screen, nothing. You're doing what you think is best, and that's what you should keep doing. No offense, but your "friend" is a that for sticking her nose into your parenting business. I personally think it's rude to outright say someone's parenting their child wrong. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
@Renee I like friends who care enough about my children to speak up no matter the consequences.. and yes I love Ms. RACHEL you act like she said something to degrade the child 😆
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I think you need new friends
My son loves Ms Rachel, but we have swapped to Ms Apple recently, only because some words were pronounced the American way, and it was something new to listen too.
My son watched Ms Rachel and he developed so much quicker than a lot of babies I knew at the time. This was him at almost 10 months, he was signing things, pointing to body parts etc. I did a lot with him but I am under no illusions that’s ms Rachel taught him a lot 🤣 he knew his 1-10 by 16 months and alphabet etc. it’s all in moderation but educational shows can be a great help (plus us mamas need a break sometimes!!) xx
Sis don’t have kids that’s for sure & she’s definitely gonna hate it here girla 😂😊 Welp! I guess none of us raising them right then because who doesn’t love Ms Rachel
We watch ms apple because she’s British but I find them all slightly unbearable 😂
Yah. You need to let this friend go. Does this friend have kids? And friend sounds delusional like my ex. You’re baby will be just fine. There’s nothing wrong with Ms. Rachel. My son is almost 2 and likes her.
My 1yr old son loved Ms Rachel has 2 Ms Rachel dolls
@Jennifer i did give one mom some crazy attitude out in public. We were in an enclosed space with 1 to 2 year old and she opened the door and let a bunch run out, then shut the door behind them. Gotta be a little judgy sometimes 😂
He must be a fortune teller or something cause how he know?
I have done minimal screen time with my daughter - not because we’re against it, she just wasn’t paying attention if we tried to put on anything other than dancing fruits and that got old very quickly! We just started watching Ms Rachel this week and I’ve noticed a big difference already. She’s become a lot more vocal and trying out new sounds - we had mama for ages but now getting “dada” “yaya” and “baba”. She’s also waving and has a better attention span. Parent your baby your way and anyone else can get stuffed
@Jordan well, that’s completely different.. if it’s for their safety then you gotta speak up, but if you’re telling a mother how to mother their own child that has come out of them, then that’s a no no.
Leave her as a friend, I feel so much better not having controlling friends in my life.
Miss Rachel is still parenting me along with my 2 year old and 3 month old so girl don’t you worry😂😂
What in the world? I'm not too sure that is a friend.
Pfttt, guess I’m wrong too. My 14 month old watches Ms Rachel and already knows so many her songs. He has learned sooo much already and learning more everyday. Don’t let someone make you feel that way, mama! We got ya back 🙌🏻👏🏻
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Is your friend a doctor or someone who specializes in working with children?????? 🤔 Tell him don’t judge your parenting skills off of a tv show that plays in your child’s presence.
😂 your friend sounds like they're repressed. Your kiddo will be however they're gonna be regardless of a show. But she uses speech therapy techniques so he'll say it CLEAR. For the record my boys are out here like they're in Nitro circus and enjoy themselves some ms Rachel.
@Ivy is it because ms rachel is a woman? or american? or….. on the tv? or because ms rachel won’t be at nursery? i can’t figure it out
@sydney it's because miss rachel is a woman and american my friend said my son's going to be soft when growing up and will get bullied because he can't stand up for him self when he get to school
Girl he’s 1 they get entertained by shadows dancing on the wall who cares , tell her she needs to watch ms Rachel and learn some manners