
Sorry first time mum due in march. What age do they start to have normal food and come off formula?
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It varies some babies are hungrier than others, my son started purées around 4/5month mark (boys usually hungrier than girls) but no cows milk til after 1yr

NHS advise to wait till around 6 months and when they show signs of readiness to start weaning onto solids and they can have cows milk instead of formula from around a year :)

6 months for foods/weaning normally, and 1 year old transition to other milk. Cows milk, oat etc can be added to baby’s food when they start weaning. Enjoy your pregnancy, you have a while until baby will wean. No need to stress yourself over it right now 🤍

NHS advice is to start weaning around 6 months as long as they show the readiness criteria. Formula will be the source of nutrition till then. You will reduce formula slowly as your increase solids, and at 12 months can switch from formula to cows milk

NHS advises to wait till 6 months old. Sometimes you may start earlier due to medical reasons such as cows milk allergy, reflux and poor weight gain/dropping percentiles. You can wean off formula when they are 12 months old x

I started my boy at 4.5 months, recommended age is 6 months but if you feel baby is ready before then go for it! They are only guidelines. Formula/breast they will slowly wean as you increase more solids and by 1 they go onto cows milk x

At six months you can introduce solid food but they need formula or breastmilk until they're 12 months at least.

6 months when they can sit up on their own. At 4 months they can’t sit up on their own. They don’t need food before 6 months or water they are just fine with your breastmilk/formula. They also don’t need cereal milk or cereal or grains or anything like that. If your pediatrician recommends that just do your own research.

It also doesn’t matter if your baby is interested in actually eating solids or not when they are 6 months. Just them playing with the food everywhere but their mouth helps them experience what food is just like taste and swallow helps them experience food so don’t feel bad if your baby doesn’t eat the first couple foods you introduce of starting solids

Main nutrition source until one is breastmilk or formula. Introduce solids at 6 months or when showing all signs of readiness. Initially once a day then slowly increasing over time.

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