
Really worried my little boy is behind on speech after seeing someone else post on here. I saw someone say their LO is saying around 40 words at this age and a lot of comments were saying around the same. My boy is 20 months and he literally only says about 5 words and even they’re not completely clear… I thought he was progressing really well, he points to all body parts and objects, his animals on his puzzles etc when we ask him where they are so he understands stuff like that. So I’m not sure if it’s just a speech problem? Should I get this checked out? He has got lip tie so not sure if that’s affecting him?
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My boy (also 20 months) has about 10 words, however he mostly just say car for everything. He points and communicates using signs or pull me to get my attention and what he wants. We didn’t have any screen time except for when we listen to music but, about 2 months ago I started letting him watch bluey during difficult diaper changes and 2 weeks ago he was sick so, no rules with screen time 🥲 We started seeing speech therapist last month, she said it’s very normal for our case because we’re multilingual household and most babies who are exposed to more than one language and being a boy (they tend to take longer to talk). I also reached out to a different speech therapist for second opinion and he said the same thing. They both say give it till 24 months. So 🤷🏽‍♀️ most of our friends with little similar age and younger have so many more words (girls). It definitely stresses me out but I guess will have to wait and see. If you’re concern, doesn’t hurt to start seeing speech therapist.

This post from yesterday might be useful to you 😊 https://www.peanut-app.io/share/t9cYlozmtQb

My oldest was the same he didn’t talk much at all he’s now 9 and doesn’t shut up hahaha! My daughter is opposite she’s a May ‘23 baby and says around 50 probably more I don’t think there is anything to be concerned about they pick it up in their own time. I think my daughter is picking up easier as I have a been diagnosed with a bad health and I can’t go out much so I’m Constantly in talking to her rather than being out and about so she has absolutely 0 skills for being outside, where I’ve seen today little ones on balance bikes?! My daughter has only ever been to a park once x

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