Feeding duration & frequency

What's everyone's feeding routine looking like? My LO has been EBF but trying to encourage her to take some expressed milk or formula in a bottle / sip cup now. She only takes a very little bit and unsure of whether she isn't hungry enough or just needs to get used to it. Feel like she's a bit of a snacker (particularly at night) and does frequent smaller feeds than most her age
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I would recommend being consistent with offering a bottle, it took us about 2 months of continuous offering at same time each evening. She would mostly lick it or have a tiny bit, and now takes bottle really well for one or two feeds a day

@Adele do you pump or give formula? Mine has a dairy allergy and we’ve got special formula prescribed but it’s so gross and she won’t go near it. I absolutely despise pumping after exclusively pumping with my first, don’t even know where to fit it in if I were to do it once a day

I give formula now but started off with pumping. My first had a dairy allergy but was ok with goat formula (Kendamil). I think once they are on solids it’s easier to get them to have formula as they are getting used to different tastes

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