Measuring behind

I went for a scan today I should have been measuring 6+3 but when she scanned me I was only measuring 5+1 I know it doesn’t matter to much till 7 weeks and my body can catch up but I had a missed miscarriage this time last year and the same thing happened back then so I’m trying to stop myself from spiralling I’m just hoping someone went though the same thing as me and has a positive outcome
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Sorry to hear that and fingers crossed you just ovulated later and you’ll have a successful pregnancy. I know the anxiety after 2 x MMC last year. Have a scan tomorrow and dreading it

I had a scan around the same time, they did measure me but didnt say if it was within a certain number of weeks. I then had a scan a week later, as my 5 week one they couldnt see the egg yolk / foetal pole. A week later I had them, and a small heartbeat. When I went for my 12 week scan I was behind 8/9 days. I think it all depends on when precisely you ovulated and how long it took to implant both of which are so difficult to tell. But I am currently 23 weeks and everything is going well so far x

If I go by date of ovulation I’m 5 weeks which makes sense to me, but she could see a sack, yolk and the start of a fetal pole forming so I guess it’s just luck now, I’m trying not to stress myself out

Was it internal? I had a scan at 6w4d internally and they measured me at 5w5d. But I could tell the sonographer wasn’t used to internal, he could barely get the probe in. Then I had a 7 week scan at my clinic a week later and I was bang on 7w3d as I should be. I would say at this early stage the scan has to be so precise and it’s really tricky. Have you got another one booked in? I’m sure it’ll all be ok ❤️

Yeah it was internal, she did say my uterus tilts back so I guess that’s doesn’t help, yeah I need to go back in 2 weeks which seems forever, this was a nhs scan too x

It’s so hard waiting. They found a bleed on my scan at 7 weeks and that’s how I lost my last baby at 18 weeks. I’ve now got to wait 2 weeks for another scan to assess how the bleed is, which feels like a lifetime! Really hoping everything is ok for you x

@Rachel hopefully everything goes okay for you, I’m telling myself everything is going to be okay and not to stress x

This was what I had to do too, if its developing theres a much higher chance of everything being okay. Everyone develops a bit differently at the start and even if you know your ovulation date it doesn’t necessarily mean thats when conception happened especially if you were trying for a baby. I hope the scan in 2 weeks all goes well ❤️

@Hannah thank you so much, definitely something that’s eased my anxiety, just so heartbreaking thinking I’m going backwards x

With my first I went for my 12 week scan and based on my LMP I was meant to be 12+4 but she measured at 12 weeks exactly and she’s now a healthy happy 10 month old

Thank you all for the lovely comments but unfortunately went for my rescan today and there was no fetal pole only the sack grew 💔

So so sorry to hear this. Sending you so much love x

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