My son went through early intervention but aged out when he turned three. After that, they transition to a school setting where they continue to receive support and services where I live. One of the things that helped me was purchasing wooden four-piece puzzles. I would slowly name the animals or fruits in the puzzles, repeating their names and the sounds the animals make, as well as the colors. An app called Speech Blubs was also very beneficial. When we play, I use simple commands like "go" while moving a toy car, and then I say "stop" when I stop the car. We also play matching games with toys or stack blocks to make tall buildings, then say "knock it down" to encourage interaction. When reading to them, I mention the colors or things happening in the book using a higher-pitched voice to keep them engaged. Additionally, playing with playdough and using number and shape sheets has been helpful for us as well.
Hope that helps.
Makaton and communication boards are great tools for non verbal children xx
Early intervention services are really helpful and are free depending on your location. You may also want to look into speech therapy. These will allow professionals to assess and help determine what supports would be best for her. My daughter's teacher uses a lot of picture boards for the kids in her class, which could help communication between the two of you if she has adequate receptive language to understand what the cards mean. 🙂
We did early intervention called “birth to 3 program” I would just google that with the city you live in and you’ll get a number to call. They can come To your house and do speech therapy / OT. And when we started that I also got on the waiting list for developmental pediatrics (that took about a year to be seen)
I would definitely recommend trying to introduce some simple signs/makaton, my little girl has only just started to talk a little more now she's 3 but we depend highly on signs to understand her needs. Ms Rachel is good for ASL and Mr Tumble is great for Makaton
I’ll have to try the Makaton and ASL, we’ve been trying it a little but not too much luck. Also For those who said the Birth-3 program or Early Steps Interventions, she is already enrolled with them and she does weekly OT and monthly speech therapy visits. They’re the ones who suggested we follow non-verbal communication since she picked up 2 voice button words “Go” “More”. Just frustrating but gotta keep trying. Thank you all! 🤍
@Izabelle🦋🤍 even if she doesn't necessarily follow the general signs you could try creating your own, like your own little language, you know your baby best mama❤️ follow her lead, really basic ones to start like drink, eat, diaper etc just so you get a feel for her basic needs then you can build from there, wishing you all the luck and cheering you on from afar x
Sign language really did wonders for my boy when he was nonverbal. If you haven’t already, start incorporating ASL. Yes, you’re going to have to learn it, too, so there is a bit of work to it but it can be a game changer
I’ve started implementing the signs for drink and eat whenever giving them to her. Hopefully she’ll pick it up! Thank you all!
aw shes beautiful🫶 im going through the same with my son he is now being referred but the waiting list is more than a year😩, so id also like to see some advice x