Excessive crying

When my 3 month old baby starts crying, it can take a little while to settle again. If she’s hungry, and she starts crying for her milk, by the time I’ve made her a bottle etc, it can be a mission to settle her/get her to take the bottle because she’s so worked up! I’m worried it’s something I’ve done wrong? I cuddle her all the time and soothe her. Me and my partner have had a couple arguments and I’m worried we have made her feel sad.
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My sons 15 weeks today. Every time he's cried since he was born he goes from 0-100 real fast. I think some babies are just like it. Nothing to do with us, hopefully! 💞

My baby does this he cries a lot when im making him a bottle to the point theres no sound and hes bright red and then i cuddle him and try to calm him down sometimes he will just fall asleep after crying like this because hes tired himself out that much I realised if i pick him up whilst making his bottle he doesnt cry because he starts to look around and because im rocking him he doesnt cry so this is what i do now and other times as soon as i can hear him moving around in his cot i make his bottle because i know hes waking up Its not that your doing anything wrong every baby is different. My toddler was nothing like this.

@Mera thankyou both! I didn’t think so but mum guilt takes over😓 yeah I agree , if I’m holding her whilst making her bottle she’ll be ok! Me and my partner had an argument this morning and I left my baby with my mum for half an hour to pop t the shop, which I don’t usually do, and they said she was so sad and crying so much. To be honest, even at home she’ll be fussy with her bottle with my partner but with me she’s a lot more calm probably because I feed her 95% of the time. I just want to be a good mum! X

I run the tap while making my LO a bottle to stop the cries and buy me some time. He’s 17 weeks but has always gone for 0-60 when hungry. It seems to help!

Im sure ur doing great, your baby is use to you as ur with her 24-7 so maybe she was crying as she wanted you for comfort. They know mums voice smell etc and the way you hold ur baby makes a big difference for example when i put my baby to sleep i put one of his arms behind me and thats how he sleeps he wont sleep any other way so whenever anyone else tries to put him to sleep they dont do that and he kicks off 😂😂 he does not settle at all lol

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