Potty training

First time mom, and I was wondering what age did you start potty training? And what were some of the ways you helped your child with transitioning from diapers to pull-up (if that makes sense)
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We started introducing the idea around 2. But my son wasn’t ready till right after he turned 3. Going cold turkey worked for us!

@Chelsey my daughter is 18 months and I was told you can start introducing at that age, I'm hoping she can, she's a fast learner with some stuff and dippers are getting expensive. With a second baby coming in August it'd help.

Pull ups feel too much like diapers, after 21 nieces and nephews I will be going straight to underwear when we start training our twins here in a couple weeks (they'll be 22m when we start) we just got their potties and next check is undies! Pull ups will only be for sleeping times because night training is not a thing. They have to develop a hormone that helps them either hold their bladder or wake up to go pee if they need to, until that hormone develops its pointless to stress yourself out over night time dryness, this can develop anywhere from like 2-12 years old 🫶🏻 but I just saw that you're pregnant so I wanna give a HUGE warning that potty training while pregnant is soooo hard because they can sense the change of a new sibling already, so adding another huge change on top of it, In many cases babe just either won't at all, or they train, baby's born, and they regress and go back to many many accidents. So just definitely do your research and find the sweet spot for your family's needs 🩷🩷

We swear by the Oh crap Potting training method (book). In my experience I found prime age to be age 2.5 to 3 months before their 3rd birthday. We only did pull-ups at night until they woke up dry. We followed the book and it was pretty easy with each of my 3 kids. I lent the book to my neighbor whose kids were all the same ages as mine so we potty trained at the same time and it worked great for her as well.

My first was potty at 18 months, and my second is 16 months now and she will be potty trained by 18 months as well. They are more than capable of doing it. We followed a three day training method, gonna try the oh crap! Method this time around. We did do pull-ups during nap and at night until she started to stay dry the whole nap and nighttime. My daughter wasn’t communicating a lot verbally at 18 months so we taught her the sign and that was very effective. My 16 months is way more verbal and already says potty and poop and tells us when she goes so I think she’s going to get it pretty quick

@Kylee thank you!!! I'm really that worried about the night time part my daughter pretty much doesn't even wet her diaper till early in the morning at this point which surprises me and her dad, I definitely will be looking into some things to help her with coping with changes.

@Joi see my daughter is not very verbal either and I have been feeling like shit for it, she most she will say is mama, mommy, or dada or yeah, she says ow for some reason to let us know if shes hungry cause sometimes even after a big meal she still wants more. But I am hoping that once she figures out what her potty is for she will either go to it herself like she tries with her juice and blanket for naps. Or I at least hope she will figure out a way to communicate with us that she is wanting to use it.

I didn't start until 3 yrs old with all of my children

We used the oh crap method right around 22-25 months old and trained my first while I was pregnant with my second and that wasn't a problem for mine. My second wasn't very verbal at that age and it was fine. I did not expect either to tell me when they needed to go for a long time.

I just recently started potty training my LO and she’s 2 going on three in August. She doesn’t get the concept of peeing in the potty just jet I believe she thinks it’s a toy. I’m still working with her so she can be out the diapers before her birthday.

Mine was out of diapers during the day fully with only a few accidents a month at 2. We started at 18 months. She is almost 3 now and is completely out of diapers during nap and bed.

i introduced the potty at 1 but my daughter didn't actually take to the idea until she was two. we also did not use pull-ups cause it just confused her. we went from diaper to underwear immediately & was fully potty trained in 3 days

We tried potty training, like right after my daughter turned 2. She wouldn't go. So we waited until she was 2.5. And we did not use pull ups. She was too comfortable in them. We did the diaper/underwear free for 3 days method

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