Advice for dealing with narcissist mom: how would you deal with this
My mom is entitled, treats me like a child and she DOESNT respect boundaries. It’s sad because we use to be close when I was a child, I felt safety in my mom, she was always mean at times I guess like any normal mom but her being miserable just started to take over and it bled all over my sister and I. When we started entering our teens the house was full on toxic, there were no talks just yelling and getting in each others face and sometimes a fight would break out. Yes between my mom and I. She gave me a black eye once. So throughout the years I always tried to manage life without a mom, we were always in and out of each others lives, I moved in with my bf at 19 and ever since then things were especially different, every time I tried to seek refuge with my mom when things got hard in life she was there but very “ugh I guess” about it, and then when I’d stay with her we’d fight and argue and she’d kick me out even recently with my baby and I. We had to move back with my bd.
A lot of the arguing is because she didn’t like the sound of others existing around her, idk it was weird, she didn’t like to hear me on my phone or watching tv or making too much noise in the kitchen she would always tell me to keep it down. It wasn’t just me, she moves to new apartments every few years because she had drama with her neighbors and the landlords. She makes enemies everywhere she goes.
I always kept my mom in my life because she can be helpful at first, and as a daughter that is pretty much alone in the world it’s hard to cut her off. Everyone needs their mother.
I’m now 32 and I’m so disinterested in having a relationship with her. It’s mostly out of guilt because she literally has no friends or family (because she pushed them all away), she expects calls and texts and she expects me to run to her side when she needs me because she’s my mom. But we didn’t develop a relationship like that, so I don’t understand why she expects that from me. I can only love her from a distance but even that is very taxing. She’s also always trauma dumping, every visit is either her complaining about me or her neighbors or she’s crying about her trauma. I have to emotionally prepare to interact with her but we just don’t have anything in common. She doesn’t let me be myself, I change my whole personality when I see her. I feel bad because she really loves my daughter and she’s a good gma but she expects too much as if she was this amazing mom in my life. And I just don’t know what to do about it
Girl I wish I had advice but I’m still working on this in therapy. I just want you to know you aren’t alone *hugs*