Motor skills

My boy will be 3 months (on Saturday), and he’s still not grabbing toys or objects I put in front on him. Should I be concerned?
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My LO is the same way. And he is 3 months two weeks. I don't think u should be concerned. My LO is more intrigued with his hands. He spends time opening and closing them, and putting them in his mouth. We have a check up in two weeks.

@Stef okay thank you for this! Yeah my little one also likes his hands and just staring at lights and things on walls haha

No normally baby don’t actually start grabbing for toys till 4 months (at least what my lactation consultant says)

Same. lol, are they suppose to? Mine likes his hands more than his binky. Hates tummy time. No interest in object.

Mine started grabbing his activity mat toys that hang. And pulling to his mouth. But he is on the bigger side so could also be ahead developmentally.

I don’t think babies usually do that until a little later. All babies are different and reach milestones at different times. If your pediatrician isn’t worried I think it’s okay!

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