He asks me daily to put his bedroom tree back up and give him his grinch toys back 😢
He still asks where the elf is walking down the stairs each morning so that’s fun 😂
Didn’t cry but he had something to say about it lol
My daughter was actually so devastated! She completely lost it when her bedroom decorations got put away! X
@Jordan poor thing I feel bad but I was tired of Christmas decorations couldn't have them around anymore it's time
My son helped me take the tree down and was ok with it… the compromise was he still gets to have his Santa plate in the draw and uses it almost daily 😅
My daughter was moping about after we took down the tree .
My 3.5 yr old still wake every morning goes dwn stair and come crying saying santa asnt been then trews and lights are gone he gets very up set been very hard to get him to understand it all
We didn't decorate our house, but my mom said he was broken hearted over her tree coming down 😥 we still have a Halloween pillow my son plays with. We call it his emotional support pumpkin
The nativity is still out because last year we had to deal with a meltdown and screaming get baby Jesus out of the attic 🤣
@Jennifer lol that's adorable 😂🤣🤣🤣
Ours is still up with the exception of the tree and most of the lights outside which we didn’t take down around them.
Mine was not happy when I took the tree down 🙃 she asked for the “teeee” daily lol
My 19 month old at the time walked into the living room shouted “ISSMASS TREEE” and shoved his arms in the air as if to say wtaf mom 🤣
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@Lottie right like why would you do that 😆😆😆
@Jo I’m just a monster obviously 🤣🤣
My daughter helped me lol she would play with the non-breakable ornaments and then she would help me put lots on totes and what not 😅