He was tired but I couldn't not change his nappy or put him in his pjs. He literally went to sleep 5mins after his tantrum finished
Aw it’s so hard when nothing is calming them! I do think it’s normal form time to time to just have a total Melt down for toddlers so don’t worry x
Thank you, I just feel so exhausted between his being ill, not sleeping and his tantrums. On top of that I'm trying to hold down a full time job. I just feel like I cant cope and I'm being a really shitty mum
My son is 2022 and YUP
Thank you for the reassurance 🙏
We’ve had a few of these over the last while, over something completely random. Inconsolable. Do you think he’s tired? I think the few times I’ve had these really inconsolable ones he was tired and that made it worse.